Concrete Sweating

Concrete sweating is the phenomena of gathering of water droplets on the surface of concrete due to the difference in temperature of the outer environment and concrete. 

Causes of concrete sweating

1. Dew Point
The concrete needs to be below the dew point temperature for concrete sweating to occur because Dew point in the atmosphere is the most common cause of concrete sweating. Concrete sweating can happen when warm and humid air hits cold concrete inside a building. The moisture in the air cools and condenses on the surface of the cold concrete, thus makes it wet and slippery.

2. Wet adjacent soil
Concrete sweating can occur in retaining walls and basements where the soil on the other side of the wall is wet. Although concrete is a solid material, water and moisture can seep through it. Water from the soil can slowly creep through the concrete wall and appear as concrete sweating on the other side.

3. Salt deposits
Salt deposits in concrete can attract moisture from the air. Sometimes there are natural salts in the aggregates that are used to make the concrete, or salt occurs from a process of salt finishing a concrete floor. Either way, salt absorbs moisture from the air and leads to concrete sweating on the surface.

4. Cleanliness of concrete
The cleanliness of a concrete floor or slab can cause it to sweat. Dirt can reduce the permeability of the surface, which means that water vapour sits on the surface instead of being absorbed into the concrete. This often happens on factory floors where rubber from forklifts and trolleys is deposited on the surface.

Prevention of Concrete Sweating

1. Good Housekeeping Practices
Surface of your home should be kept clean from any salt and deposits. Clean floors by scrub.
2. Good Air Movement Within the Facility
It happens due to air circulation in the structure is not proper. It is necessary to find a way to de-stratify the air.
3. Use HVLS Ceiling Fans
This helps to cool your structure and prevent building moisture on your floors. This also increase surface evaporation rate.
4. De-Humidification Units
This helps to alter interior building environment.
5. Use Low-Permeance and Low-Slab Retarders
This can prove particularly effective where products are stored directly on the floor. 

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